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Oswego County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

What was the Challenge?

Oswego County’s initial Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted in 2012. To remain eligible for various funding opportunities through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMP) are to be updated and renewed on a 5-year cycle. The County received a grant from the FEMA, allowing Barton & Loguidice to be brought on board to assist with their first HMP Update process. The process is very collaborative and involves the commitment and participation of the County and its towns, villages, and cities.  The biggest challenge throughout this process was to achieve 100% participation by all jurisdictions and to keep this large group engaged from start to finish.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

B&L was able to craft customized approaches for jurisdiction engagement at various steps throughout the Hazard Mitigation Planning process. The needs and capabilities of each community varied, so being able to remain flexible and, particularly, meet one-on-one with each jurisdiction’s local planning team allowed for an improved exchange of information and hazard event data. 13 natural hazards were determined to have the potential to impact Oswego County. We worked with each participating jurisdiction to identify its critical infrastructure and vulnerable locations, completed a risk assessment, and prepared a minimum of two pre-disaster mitigation strategies that would allow for better protection of their residents and infrastructure from future natural hazard events.

Why was the project a success?

Oswego County received approval of their 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DSHES) and FEMA in 2020. This approval status allows the County and its participating jurisdictions to take advantage of funding opportunities that both agencies frequently provide. Aside from one town, full participation by the County and its jurisdictions was achieved.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Climate Action
  • Community Planning
  • Environmental Engineering & Compliance
  • Funding First
  • Watershed Science & Stormwater Management

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