
OCWA Water Meter Testing Facility

What was the Challenge?

Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) sought to evaluate their existing water meter test stands, and implement the design of new equipment based on the evaluation.  The testing equipment was over 35 years old, manually operated, and had become problematic in their continued use.

The equipment was located within a shared space creating noise issues within surrounding offices during testing operations, and had inadequate space for proper operation of equipment and movement of large meters. The space was not equipped with any type of lifting equipment to safely move large meters. There were also issues with drainage capacity required during testing, as the equipment was a once through type system with no water recycling capability.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

B&L researched different manufacturers of meter testing equipment to provide a system capable of simultaneously testing multiple meters up to 10 inches with an automated system for integration into OCWA’s meter inventory database. The new testing system included two test benches, a combination bench for smaller meters up to 4″, and a large test bench for meters up to 10″.  The equipment also included a gravimetric scale system, water storage tanks, pumps, meter testing software, and a full water recirculation system to conserve water usage during testing procedures. The facility was renovated to provide new office space separate from the meter test room to accommodate more storage within the test room, a jib crane to safely move larger meters and an overhead door into the testing room for transfer of large meters.

Why was the project a success?

The new system is working properly and is successful.  The system automation saves time and allows OCWA to simultaneously test larger quantities of meters in a more efficient manner.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Water Supply Engineering

Project Awards

  • 2018 Structures Project of the Year Award from APWA

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