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Cecil County Landfill New Disposal Cell

What Was the Challenge?

Cecil County’s Central Landfill required a new disposal cell, Cell 2, to accommodate its horizontal expansion. The design for Cell 2 presented unique challenges, primarily from its valley-fill configuration between two existing disposal cells, which necessitated pre-design investigations for depth of cover soil and location of the anchor trench, innovative design solutions to accommodate tie-ins for two different line systems, replacement of leachate and sanitary conveyance lines, and a piggy-back over a pre-RCRA landfill cell, and compliance with Maryland Department of the Environment permitting requirements.

How Did Barton & Loguidice Provide a Solution?

Barton & Loguidice managed each phase of the Cell 2 project, from pre-design investigations to final design/permitting and full-time construction oversight. The team oversaw soil and geotechnical testing, groundwater monitoring well development and abandonment, and regulatory approvals from the Cecil County Soil Conservation District (CSCD), Development Plans Review (DPR), Planning and Zoning (P&Z), and Health Department as well as the Maryland Department of the Environment. The design was advanced through multiple stages in close coordination with the County’s Department of Engineering and Construction, which incorporated the valley-fill configuration, interior access roads to the working face, landfill gas system upgrades, leachate collection, sanitary conveyance infrastructure, and stormwater management. B&L also prepared detailed construction documents, a Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) plan, and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to ensure regulatory compliance and readiness for the construction phase.

Why Was This Project a Success?

B&L’s approach helped to ensure that the Cell 2 construction project was implemented successfully. The team’s pre-design investigations, innovative engineering solutions, and detailed documentation set the foundation for a landfill cell that maximizes space, integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, and adheres to regulatory standards. This project supports Cecil County’s long-term waste management goals while addressing environmental and operational challenges.

Project At a Glance




  • Landfill Gas Management & Utilization
  • Planning, Siting, & Permitting
  • Watershed Science & Stormwater Management

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