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Adams Water Pollution Control Facility & Collection System Improvements

What was the Challenge?

The Village of Adams Water Pollution Control Facility was facing a number of challenges including aging equipment, obsolete and inefficient technology, and new effluent disinfection requirements from NYSDEC.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

B&L prepared an evaluation of the facility and was able to determine that while the collection system was in good shape, the treatment facility needed major upgrades. We worked with the village to maximize available funding to undertake comprehensive improvements to its 45-year-old facility.

Why was the project a success?

The modernized facility is now more efficient, easier and less costly to operate and maintain. Even with the addition of effluent UV disinfection, the improvements have reduced power consumption by over 35% at the plant. This $5 million project was funded by a $1 million Water Infrastructure Improvement Act Grant, a $1 million Water Quality Improvements Project Grant and an interest free loan through the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Funding First
  • Wastewater & Water Resource Recovery

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