
Village of Mayville Water Wells, Treatment for Emerging Contaminants (PFNA)

What was the Challenge?

Upon discovering their drinking water wells were contaminated with PFNA, one of the “forever chemical contaminants,” the Village of Mayville had to issue a do not drink water order to the entire village and a portion of the Town of Chautauqua.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

B&L assisted the Village with the design and construction of a new non-contaminated water source as well as a granular activated carbon treatment system providing removal of PFNA from the contaminated water source. A temporary water system was designed to help provide relief to those who were affected by the contaminated water system.

Why was the project a success?

To date, B&L has helped the Village secure $6 million in grant funding for various water system improvements. We also provided a day-to-day operation assistance for the water system at a reduced capacity.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Funding First
  • Water Supply Engineering

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