
Naugatuck River Greenway

What was the Challenge?

Anchor was retained by the City of Torrington to develop a 2.6-mile section of the Naugatuck River Greenway which would extend this popular multi-use trail through the city’s urban center.  The trail was constructed through a densely populated urban area and within a United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) flood control levee system.  Special consideration was taken to ensure the project would not impact the integrity of the existing USACE levee and would be sensitive to abutting property owners and existing neighborhoods.

How did Barton & Loguidice provide a solution?

Anchor performed a detailed site survey to identify exact dimensions of the flood control levees, property boundaries and existing elevations within the project limits which allowed us to prepare preliminary design plans and present the project to the public.  These public sessions included outreach and public informational meetings held at the local senior center and attendance at the City’s summer evening street fair in order to collect public comments and build momentum for the project.  Following the outreach program Anchor worked closely with the USACE to design and permit the final project which included a combination of paved and unpaved connections adjacent to parking lots, along public roadways and through City parks.  This alignment made neighborhood connections, provided access to the Naugatuck River and created off street pedestrian access into downtown Torrington.  Construction was completed in the fall of 2019.

Why was the project a success?

Anchor worked with the City and project stakeholders through numerous informal conversations with private property owners, public outreach campaigns including email blasts, web-based surveys, public informational meetings and tabling events in order to solicit feedback and gain insight into the community.  Anchor engaged the USACE early in the design process in order to streamline the and successfully acquire a Section 408 permit allowing the city to construct alterations to the Corps’ existing flood control levee.

Project At a Glance


New York


  • Advanced Survey Technologies
  • Community Planning
  • Site & Civil Engineering
  • Trails & Greenways

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