
Managing Engineer Elected to Industry Board

November 29, 2022

Ashley Dobak, P.E. of the firm’s Camp Hill, PA office has been elected Secretary of the Keystone Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (Keystone SWANA).  Dobak will serve on the chapter board as Secretary for a one-year term. Dobak was also chosen to be a Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP) Board Proxy for William Bedics, which she will serve for one year and she will be sitting on three committees (Conference, Organics, and Grant Mapping) for the PROP organization. She has begun serving her terms on both industry boards.

Dobak has been with Barton & Loguidice’s Solid Waste Practice Area in the Camp Hill, PA office since 2008. She is responsible for development and submission of permit applications to PADEP for solid waste and beneficial use clients across the State of Pennsylvania, as well as the development of Solid Waste Management Plans for Counties across the State of Pennsylvania. Her experience also includes site development projects, including E&S control design, stormwater modeling and design, and NPDES permit application development and submission.  Dobak is a Licensed Professional Engineer in PA, Certified Recycling Professional, and a Certified Zero Waste Professional. She is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA (2008).