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Promotions Within the Ownership of the Solid Waste Practice Area

January 18, 2023

Two members of the firm’s Solid Waste Practice Area received Senior Promotions

Jillian Blake, P.E., LEED AP®, has been promoted to Associate and Shareholder of the firm. A resident of Hannibal, New York, she received her B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Blake is a member of the firm’s Solid Waste Practice Area out of the Syracuse office.

William Doebler IV, QEP, has been promoted to Associate and shareholder of the firm. A resident of Grand Island, NY he received his B.S. degree in Environmental Health and Safety from Wright State University. Doebler is a member of the firm’s Solid Waste Practice Area out of the Buffalo, NY office.