
Promotions Within the Ownership of the Transportation Practice Area

January 18, 2023

Two members of the firm’s Transportation Practice Area received Senior Promotions

Wendell Buckman, P.E., CFM®, has been promoted to Associate and Shareholder of the firm. A resident of Marcellus, New York, he received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Clemson University and his A.S. degree in Engineering Science from Alfred State College. Buckman is a member of the firm’s Transportation Practice Area working from Barton & Loguidice’s Syracuse office.

Matthew Patterson, P.E., has been promoted to Associate and shareholder of the firm. A resident of Cicero, New York, he received his M.S. degree in Structural Engineering and his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Syracuse University. Patterson is a member of the firm’s Transportation Practice Area based in the Syracuse office.